About a two weeks ago our school held a bazaar to raise money for families in need in our community. We sold everything from Christmas decorations to homemade cookies, from kids toys to household items. We were very happy with the turnout and over the two days our school raised over 300 JD. It was a successful event, and the kids were excited when Santa made an appearance! 
This year is a milestone for AES: the graduating 6th grade is the first class to have moved through each grade as students here. This is exciting, but only causes us to look to the future. Our vision is to be able to educate students up to the 10th grade, the grade required of all students here in Jordan. This desire to continue to grow means we need to expand our space.
Classes here at AES have been in full swing for about six weeks. Already, students are busy with both class work and special activities. Stay tuned for highlights of the past few weeks! 
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